Age Concern Otago

Age Concern Otago services the whole of Otago including Central Otago. The total "over 65 year old" population of this area is 31,788 (15.7% of the area's population compared to the national average of 14.3%).

They have a circulation of 5500 each quarter in which members receive a copy of the publication direct to their letterbox via the postal system. Publications are also distributed electronically to their network and handed out at community events and given to organisations such as:

  • via Seminars
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Libraries
  • Community Houses
  • Retirement Communities
  • Medical Centres and Hospitals
  • Seniors Groups and general contacts of Age Concern Otago including our branch in Alexandra

Age Concern also intend establishing public distribution points in most suburbs of Dunedin at key points frequented by older people such as medical centres, retirement villages, shopping centres and various community service centres.